The New Samaritans

Jewish Film, Israel, History, Middle East, Religion
Alexander Shabataev, Sergey Grankin & Efim Kuchuk
52 minutes


"New Samaritans introduces this little-known ethnic group beautifully, and is a valuable enrichment for academic coursework about Israel and/or Biblical studies." -Educational Media Reviews Online


On the mountain Gerizim located between Palestine and Israel live the most ancient people in the world, the Samaritans. They call both Arabs and Jews 'brothers.' The Samaritans have existed for over 3600 years, but the current number of descendants is less than 900. In the early 21st century their spiritual leader, Shalom, aiming to refresh the blood of a nation on the brink of extinction, broke one of their fundamental commandments, the strict prohibition of intermarriage with non-Samaritans. The first two lucky men set off to faraway lands in search of brides, on a quest to save this ancient civilization.


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